BLP? What's That?

This group was originally started by, and exclusive to, members of the Blue Lake Ward of the LDS Church. Due to struggling membership levels and activity, it has been opened up to anyone in the area, provided they know a member of the group personally, and are invited to join by the group. The group now includes friends and family of the original members and, as a result, quite a few non-LDS members. We don't talk about the LDS church much, nor do we intentionally use the group as a vehicle to expose others to the church. It's really all about the board games and getting to gether to have good, clean fun.

We try get together on a regular basis (weekly) for game nights, and also band together on MaBi Web, Spiel by Web and BrettSpielWelt to play their online offerings.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You Won a Beauty Contest. Collect $50.

My work has graciously given me a token of their appreciation for working hard on a recent issue that we had. I of course have no choice but to spend it on boardgames immediately. It's to They have pretty much everything and I can probably get free shipping. I'm now taking suggestions as to what I should get.


dwbrallier said...

Assuming your wish list is up to date, my vote is for one of the following:

Age of Steam

ejmowrer said...

It's more or less up to date. It could use a good picking over, though, and some additions.

ejmowrer said...

Aw, man, I thought I had it all figured out. Then I noticed that Steam is by MAYFAIR! Can anyone vouch for the production quality of it?

dwbrallier said...

I haven't played it so I can't say from experience whether or not the quality is typical Mayfair. However, I watched some video reviews and read others that indicate that the components are solid.

The one thing that has been consistent in most reviews is the quality of game play. Let's face it, if you had to settle for typical Mayfair production, which would you choose? Something like Settlers or would you get STEAM? :)

dwbrallier said...

By the way, Jared, Kirk and I are putting together an order from Boards and Bits by next Friday. You can join in if you want. We'll easily break the $100 requirement for $2 shipping!!

ejmowrer said...

OK, I'll order Steam today. I went and read the reviews and nobody had anything bad to say about the quality. I think it may be one of the Mayfair titles that's actually imported (so good).

ejmowrer said...

Ordered Steam. It should be here tomorrow.

ejmowrer said...

