BLP? What's That?

This group was originally started by, and exclusive to, members of the Blue Lake Ward of the LDS Church. Due to struggling membership levels and activity, it has been opened up to anyone in the area, provided they know a member of the group personally, and are invited to join by the group. The group now includes friends and family of the original members and, as a result, quite a few non-LDS members. We don't talk about the LDS church much, nor do we intentionally use the group as a vehicle to expose others to the church. It's really all about the board games and getting to gether to have good, clean fun.

We try get together on a regular basis (weekly) for game nights, and also band together on MaBi Web, Spiel by Web and BrettSpielWelt to play their online offerings.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's You're Turn. Don't Mess This Up! (and what ever you do, don't take advice from Eric)

Hey! What do you say we get a few games going on the old play by web websites?  For those of you who haven't played a game this way before, let me explain how it works.  Once you've joined a game you'll get emails when it's your turn.  Just log in to the site, take your turn and you're done.  Games can last anywhere from a few days to a month.  Registration is free, btw.

To get us started I've created the following games:

On MabiWeb:

On SpielByWeb:
I've linked the rules page for each game so you can refresh your memories but don't worry, we'll go slow if you haven't played before.  Each game name will have the format:

Blue Lake Playahs - [game initials][date created].  

All games will require a password to join.  We'll go with the old standard password.  If you don't know what that is, text or email me and I'll give it to you.

So, if you want to play great!  If not, catch ya next time.  I would like to start the games no later than tomorrow evening (9/15).

One thing you should know before you play: I will lose every game... ;-)

1 comment:

dwbrallier said...

I fixed the link to the rules for Kreta. It was linked to the wrong game. Sorry about that.