BLP? What's That?

This group was originally started by, and exclusive to, members of the Blue Lake Ward of the LDS Church. Due to struggling membership levels and activity, it has been opened up to anyone in the area, provided they know a member of the group personally, and are invited to join by the group. The group now includes friends and family of the original members and, as a result, quite a few non-LDS members. We don't talk about the LDS church much, nor do we intentionally use the group as a vehicle to expose others to the church. It's really all about the board games and getting to gether to have good, clean fun.

We try get together on a regular basis (weekly) for game nights, and also band together on MaBi Web, Spiel by Web and BrettSpielWelt to play their online offerings.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ticket to Ride (Mini) Session Report

I had a chance to play Ticket to ride with Heather, Cruise Irene, and Chruise Irene's friend. I used my usual 'hoard the cards' strategy and it payed off nicely. I had two fairly short and heavily overlapping routes, so I just kept drawing cards for the first 2/3 of the game, ignoring all the comments about how I had half the deck in my hand. Then I looked at what I had and plopped down the longest possible route that touched all my cities. Tried to stick to 4, 5 or 6 routes. It worked perfectly and I went home with the big W. No,... not Dubya,... the big W, as in win.

I had a little scare about half way in that caused me to act prematurely. Heater hadn't dumped all her train pieces out and I thought she only had 5 left. I was like "Oy!" and started laying routes like crazy, only to discover that she had another 20 trains left after the 5. This caused me to run out of cards before I ran out of trains. It still worked out in the end, though.


Anonymous said...

That's my girl Heather..

Heather Mowrer said...

Yeah, I wish I had planned tht sly move,but sometimes my slyness, is so sly, I'm not even aware of what it's going to do next. By the way, I didn't know this site existed. I just found it by accident when following links from your (Becki's) site to avoid going to bed. Thanks for those radical communication skills Eric. By the way, I'm dating someone I met on myspace and Beren and I are taking tap lessons. Oh . . . didn't I tell you?

ejmowrer said...

You and Beren are taking tap lessons??????!!!!!!!